"Anything worth doing is worth doing badly." — G.K. Chesterton
(And nobody does entertainment more badly than us!)
Feature Films
Bum Man
Hero of the Homeless
Bum Man is a superhero for our time — a filthy, stinky, good-for-nothing SOB. Sure, he can leap over tall buildings, run faster than a speeding locomotive, etc., etc... But all that hero business is hard work, and it interferes with nap time. Plus, it's difficult to rescue damsels in distress when you're drunk!
Planet of the Psycho-Sluts
Alan Cooper is a lowly janitor who — due to the whims of an irresponsible president (guess which one!) — becomes the top guy at NASA. The only problem is, Alan doesn't know a thing about space or science, and he doesn't care.
So, while the astronauts he sends to Venus battle monsters (and later inadvertently bring one back to Earth), Alan is doing what he does best — scoring with chicks!
"(Planet of the Psycho-Sluts is) rather humorous, I have to admit," says this wise critic.
"If the people of this planet think Donald Trump is bad,
they ain't seen nothin' yet!" — Bum Man
Short Movies
Revenge of the Decapitator
Before John Wick... before Jason Bourne... there was Bruce Seagal, the baddest man who ever lived! Known as "The Decapitator", he terrified his fellow Special Forces agents, who unwisely tried to assassinate him.
But nobody messes with the Decapitator and lives! And this one guy... Vincent Brown? Well, let's just say that he f***ed around and found out!
Starring Vincent Brown, Gina Martino, and Wilhelm von Johns as the Decapitator
Brideless Bride
See Shemp Howard's transgender bride! Watch as Moe and Larry go gay!
A transgender "woman" is about to get married, but "her" girlfriend has doubts. She recalls how her uncle Shemp married a trans-woman, but the marriage ended in a bloodbath.
starring Rosemary Lynne and Ivan Vila
House of the Mad Polygamist
Getting lost when you're going on vacation is bad. But hey, things can always get worse.
For example, you could wind up spending the night at the house of a religious nut with several wives. And then he could decide that he wants yet another wife... and decides to take YOURS!
Starring Vincent Brown and Shelby Poston
Lobster Men from Outer Space
Anthony Hinch is a crazy idiot who thinks global warming is destroying the planet. But his uncle was even worse... he thought Lobster Men from Venus were invading the Earth!
starring Anthony Hinch and Natalia Jablokov
Frankenfood Must Be Destroyed!
A mad doctor is working on a new hamburger recipe that will change the world.
His mentor was even loonier. He was — get this — a VEGETARIAN!
starring Anthony Hinch and Jenna McLaughlin
Bum Man Fails Again
Reporter Diane Zane gets into trouble when she journeys into an underground cavern.
Only Bum Man can save her... but will beer and drowsiness defeat him?
Starring Anthony Hinch and Floyd Jones
The Bat Guy
An emergency strikes, forcing a young mother to look for someone to look after her kids. The only person available is her crazy uncle Alan, who tells the kids a bedtime story filled with violence and murder.
Starring Alan Cooper, Rosemary Lynne, and featuring special guest star Bela Lugosi